[Mixto] [Deck] "Skull Nightmare"


3| |Wightmare
3| |King of the Skull Servants
3| |The Lady in Wight
3| |Skull Servant
2| |Pyramid Turtle
3| |Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2| |Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
2| |Zombie Master
1| |Card Trooper

1| |Charge of the Light Brigade
1| |One For One
1| |Monster Reborn
1| |Allure of Darkness
1| |Burial from a Different Dimension
1| |Solemn Judgment
1| |Dark Hole

2| |Solemn Warning
2| |Bottomless Trap Hole
1| |Mirror Force
1| |Torrential Tribute
3| |Dimensional Prison
2| |Magic Cylinder