- 3|Mystic Piper
- 3|Kinka-byo
- 3|Caius the Shadow Monarch
- 3|Chaos Sorcerer
- 3|Effect Veiler
- 3|Magical Merchant
- 3|Battle Fader
- 1|Treeborn Frog
- 1|Fishborg Blaster
- 1|Glow-Up Bulb
- 1|Spore
- 1|Sangan
- 3|Creature Swap
- 2|Mystical Space Typhoon
- 2|Pot of Avarice
- 1|Dark Hole
- 1|Monster Reborn
- 2|Solemn Warning
- 1|Solemn Judgment
- 1|Mirror Force
- 1|Torrential Tribute
- 3|Formula Synchron
- 2|Stardust Dragon
- 1|Scrap Dragon
- 1|Thought Ruler Archfiend
- 1|Colossal Fighter
- 1|Brionac Dragon of The Ice Barrier
- 1|Ally of Justice Catastor
- 1|Black Rose Dragon
- 1|Magical Android
- 1|Trishula, Dragon of The Ice Barrier
- 1|Armory Arm
- 1|Chimeratech Fortress Dragon