[Mixto] [Mixto] Machina Deck

Richmond - 4/10/2010
2| Machina Force
3| Machina Fortress
3| Ancient Gear Gadgetron Dragon
3| Jinzo
2| Cyber Dragon
3| Machina Gearframe
3| Jinzo Returner
2| Machina Peacekeeper
1| Plaguespreader Zombie

3| Geartown
1| Heavy Storm
1| Giant Trunade
1| Mystical Space Typhoon
1| Limiter Removal
1| Brain Control
1| Pot of Avarice
1| Future Fusion
1| Book of Moon

2| Magical Hats
1| Call Of the Haunted
1| Mirror Force
2| Bottomless Trap Hole
1| Torrential Tribute

Side Deck:
2| Smashing Ground
1| Overload Fusion
3| Creature Swap
1| Book of Moon
2| Fairy Wind
2| Royal Decree
1| Return from a Different Dimension
1| Royal Oppression
1| Starlight Road
1| Malevolent Catastrophe

Extra Deck:
1| Mist Wurm
1| Red Dragon Archfiend
2| Stardust Dragon
1| Ancient Fairy Dragon
1| Black Rose Dragon
1| Goyo Guardian
1| Ally of Justice Catastor
1| Colossal Fighter
1| Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1| Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1| Chimeratch Overdragon
1| Thought Ruler Archfiend
1| Flamvell Uruquizas
1| Armory Arm